Personal Finance and Budgeting Tools

Snag our budgeting tools for Canadians: Whether you are new to budgeting or a seasoned pro who has tried every budgeting app, budget planner and spreadsheet, we have something for you. If you need help figuring out how to budget or are ready to learn more about investing, we have a budget tool that can help! 

Check out the links below for Canadian Budget’s personal finance tools to help you take your finances to the next level!

Free Resources

Financial Goals Worksheet

FREE printable Financial Goal planning worksheet to help you lay the foundation for your budget and work toward your financial goals!

Investing Terms Cheat Sheet

FREE infographic to learn the Top 10 Investing Terms every Canadian should be familiar with. If you are just looking to start investing, this is a great place to begin!

Promo Codes For Canadians

We collect promo codes, discounts, and sign-up bonuses for the best financial products and services in Canada. 

Budgeting and Investing Tools

Zero Based Budget Blueprint

Zero-Based Budget monthly spreadsheets with annual overview chart. Get your finances organized!

Invest In Yourself - Investing Course

A learn-to-invest course for Canadian Women who are ready to start investing, but are not sure where to begin!

The Goal Stack Tracker

A Google Sheets tracker for your sinking funds. Track, monitor and visualize your progress towards up to 15 sinking funds.

The Canadian Budget Planner

A Printable Budget planner and Financial Workbook for digital spenders who want to get out of their phones and budget by hand.

Investing for Kids Without Breaking Your Budget

A video workshop for Canadians interested in investing for their children’s futures ensuring their retirement doesn’t get derailed. 

Retirement Reimagined - Video Workshop

A workshop for Canadians interested in ensuing their retirement is on track, they know how much it will cost, and how they will get there.