Goals for New Year 1

New Year Goals!

My Goals For the New Year

With a new year always comes resolutions and goals. Right now its difficult to put a finger on my financial goals since we have sold our condo and are looking for our next home before we close in March. So we don’t know exactly what our expenses for the year will be based on our future mortgage for the new home.

New Year goals

New Year Goals: 2021 edition

  • Successfully purchase our new home
  • Help others learn to manage their finances
  • Launch my Etsy Store
  • Focus on health & Wellness
  • Take up a new Hobby


Even with the vagueness in our near future when it comes to expenses, my husband and I will continue to:

  • Save and invest in tax advantaged accounts.
  • Have monthly financial check in dates
  • Work on building our side hustles
  • Focus on our health
  • Try and have fun while we do it all!

What are some goals you hope to accomplish this year? What will you be focusing more energy on?

For more content like this head over to the Savings and Debt section of the blog.

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