Savings & Debt

Savings and debt

Here at we love to help Canadians start saving money and learn how to pay off debt! We want you all to be living a debt-free life so that every dollar you make is yours!

Read on to learn more about savings and debt repayment methods, setting realistic and achievable goals, debt avalanche, debt snowball, sinking funds, and how to pay yourself first!

6 ways to fix your credit score

6 Ways Fixing Credit Scores Can…

May 27, 2024

Struggling with debt can significantly impact your financial well-being, especially if your credit score suffers. Fixing credit scores is important...

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How Much Should an Emergency Fund Be

How Much Should An Emergency Fund…

December 28, 2023

How Much Should An Emergency Fund Be: How to Ensure You Have Enough Saved With inflation, the cost of living...

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Mat Leave financing

Funding Maternity Leave

August 22, 2022

Funding Maternity Leave  As Canadians we are very lucky there is an official parental leave policy that offers us some...

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Reach your goals

How to make and reach your…

June 21, 2022

5 Steps to Make and Reach Your Money Goals You may be wondering what the best way is for you...

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debt free life guide

Your Ultimate Guide to Living a…

March 10, 2022

When the weight of your mounting debts feels like a ball a chain, you know it's time to take proactive...

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Make room in your budget

6 ways to save that will…

March 8, 2022

Make more room in your budget When you are trying to make more room in your budget usually it is...

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what you need to know about credit scores

Credit scores in Canada – What…

February 21, 2022

Credit touches so many facets of our lives, understanding what makes up your credit score in Canada, and what a...

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Maternity Leave

Planning for Maternity Leave

January 20, 2022

So you are expecting a baby, and now need to plan for maternity leave. Deciding how long you will be...

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Debt Avalanche

Why Debt Avalanche is Underrated

January 19, 2021

Why Debt Avalanche is Underrated Paying down debt is a really important step in everyone's financial journey, and you may...

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Goals for New Year 1

New Year Goals!

January 1, 2021

My Goals For the New Year With a new year always comes resolutions and goals. Right now its difficult to...

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time to move

When is the right time to…

September 12, 2020

The right time to moveMy Husband owned the condo we lived in before I moved in, and we married. Now...

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Diet and savings

September Diet: How Diet and Savings…

September 12, 2020

As a serious coffee drinker, I didn't think I could undertake this challenge. My husband and I decided to do...

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savings rate

50% savings rate

August 12, 2020

How we achieved a 50% savings rate A bit of background:We are DINK's from Canada (Double Income No Kids). We...

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Hidden fees to avoid

7 Hidden Fees To Avoid

August 8, 2020

7 Hidden Fees To Avoid As Canadians we pay a TON of fees, make sure you are aware of these...

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Debt payoff

Paying down debt

August 4, 2020

For most of my early adult life I was focused on aggressively paying down my student loans. Looking back this...

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Emergency Fund

Why you need an emergency fund.

August 3, 2020

Why do I need an Emergency Fund?

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