time to move

When is the right time to move?

The right time to move

My Husband owned the condo we lived in before I moved in, and we married. Now that there are two of us here, I work from home, and we are planning for the long term. We need more space and want an area that can work for us for years. We decided it was the right time to move.

We have been thinking a lot about this recently as our mortgage is up for renewal in December, so now might be a good time to take that next step. It’s been an emotional roller coaster, and I think it will continue until we decide 100% yes or no for now.

If we move, we will need to take on a larger mortgage. This is taking us further from financial independence and setting back our long-term retirement goals.

Can we afford it? Yes, we have the budget and savings.  Will it impact our savings? Yes
Can we afford it in 2-3 years when housing prices keep rising in our high-cost-of-living city? Maybe not.

There are also a lot of fees that I didn’t expect. On top of realtors’ fees, land transfer tax, lawyers’ fees, and moving costs, some new furniture would likely also be required for a larger home.

When did you know it was the right time to sell and move?
What did you learn from selling your first home? What was different about the experience when you bought your first?

Please share your advice below!!

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