Spending and tracking

How do you Spend and Track your money?

How do you spend and track your money?

Are you someone whose wallet or pocket always has Cash in it? Or are you strictly plastic – whether that be debit or credit cards – for purchases? I am the latter, for two reasons: first because I find it easier to track since you don’t have to manually record receipts, and second, I get points!

There are lots of apps that can help you keep track of your finances. Some I have tried include Mint (which as of 2024 is shutting down) and You Need A Budget.

Although I mostly do my own budget tracking and planning via Google Sheets. For me, something that makes using the budgeting apps trickier is that I get paid once a month at the end of the month. Therefor, figuring our how I spend and track my money within a time period that doesn’t align with mine is tricky. 

I haven’t found an option to adjust the pay periods to start from my payday, which I would like to do instead of the first of the month.

Spend and track your money

Some people are Cash spenders only. They don’t have or want to use credit cards. This can lead to greater awareness of your spending habits.

Perhaps they use an Envelope Budget and try only to use the cash within that envelope within the month. Writing down your spending on paper can be really helpful to help you connect with your spending habits! Some people enjoy those tactile activities and find the tracking/organizing work relaxing. Hats off to those of you who spend in this way.

For some downloading transactions and data from accounts and credit cards into an app is helpful. I prefer to write by hand for the most impact and effect. 

What are your best tips for spending and tracking your finances? Do you prefer paper, spreadsheets or apps? What apps have you tried?

About The Author

Jess Morgan - by fountain

Jessica Morgan is the founder of canadianbudget.ca and a Millennial mom of one who has a burning obsession with all things personal finance.  Jessica has a BA in East Asian Studies from York University and a Masters in Business Administration from Toronto Metropolitan University. She is a career public sector employee with a Hybrid Pension, as well as an advocate for Canadian women to improve their personal finance knowledge.

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