millionaire teacher review

Good Reads: Millionaire Teacher Review

Millionaire Teacher Review

Just finished this great book that I had seen and heard a lot about, and I’m glad I did. I saw another Millionaire Teacher review and was intrigued to pick up the book.

Becoming a millionaire on a teacher’s salary is just what author Andrew Hallam did. Reading just the title I expected it to be a bit more broad-based on personal finance and money habits, but actually, the book is heavily focused on sharing the author’s low-cost index fund investing strategy.

I enjoyed the way this was written to appeal to readers in US, Canada, UK, Australia or Singapore with small bits dedicated to each market’s particular options. He makes it clear on how new investors in each of these countries can get familiar with the options available to them.

He lays out the 9 rules that helped him reach his millionaire status. He even started an investing club to help other teachers too.

As someone who comes from the public sector in higher education I can relate to this book well! Millionaire Teacher reviews steps anyone can take, regardless of their industry or career, to accelerate their wealth. 

If you are someone who is ready to start investing but doesn’t know how to start, or newbie investor looking to self-manage their investments, I would highly recommend this book! It can help you too!

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If you are interested in this book you can find it on amazon here. Another book you might want to check out is Work Optional by Tanja Hester,, which we also reviewed. 

For other personal finance book reviews, check the Reviews section of the blog.

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