canadian budget

Welcome to the Canadian Budget Blog!

My name is Jessica and I am obsessed with personal finance!

Around Christmas 2019, before the Pandemic hit, I decided to start an Instagram account on budgeting and finance! After starting on Instagram, I wanted to have a place to learn and expand on topics in more depth, so Canadian Budget was born.

My motivation for starting Canadian Budget

  • I love tracking my monthly spending and savings and making a plan for my money.
  • If you want to change your financial picture, you can’t change what you don’t track, just like tracking calories or steps for losing weight. You have to track it.
  • I have read so many personal finance books, I wanted to share that knowledge with others
  • I could not see much of the content I was searching for online (Canadian-focused – and relevant for Public Sector employees), so I made it myself! 

Please note that I am not a financial advisor, the Canadian Budget blog does not replace financial advice from your bank or financial advisor. I am only sharing tips and best practices that have helped me along the way.

To Improve Your Financial Literacy, Ask Yourself Some Questions:

If you answered no to any of those questions, you might find something within the pages of the Canadian Budget blog that can be helpful. There is a lot of confusion out there for people about how to manage their finances and what steps to take to build wealth.

Increasing Canadian Personal Finance Blogs

Obviously, from the title of this page, I am from Canada, so my references may often be to Canadian investment vehicles like TFSA, RRSP, FHSA, RESP etc. These may be unfamiliar if you are visiting our site from another country. My goal is to bring more Canadian Content to more Canadians! I endeavour to share and collaborate with other creators as much as possible to widen our collective knowledge of personal finance! 

Men also wrote most of the Canadian finance blogs I found at the time. Therefore adding in the female perspective as well as my public sector view, added more options for Canadians searching for finance blogs online. 

So I am truly happy to welcome you to the Canadian Budget blog!

I hope you can learn something to help you reach your financial goals. I invite you to share your favourite strategies and products for reaching your financial goals. Join our mailing list and ensure you don’t miss out on our upcoming articles! 

What does the Canadian Budget Blog offer?

We provide articles that help Canadians learn more about Savings and debt, Introduce them to investing and personal finance concepts, and talk about budgeting.

In addition, we often review books and resources like podcasts and Youtube channels to help Canadians choose the best personal finance books that are relatable to Canadians. 

Canadian Budget Blog

You will also find our tools and resources that can help you advance your financial literacy. We offer a few FREE downloads, as well as paid tools such as Digital Budgeting Spreadsheets, Printable Budget Planner, and a Learn to Invest Course! 

While you are here, go over and give me a follow on Instagram to catch up with more content posted daily!

Check the blog for more content like this. or head directly to one of our themed Sections by clicking on the name below. 

Savings & DebtInvesting & Personal FinanceBudgetingReviews


You can also learn more about the founder of Canadian Budget Blog – Jessica -by going here. 


About The Author

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