Women Can MOney Summit

Who are the speakers at the Women CAN Money Summit 2022

What is Women Can Money?

The Women CAN Money Summit was created by Canadian Women, for Canada Women. The inaugural year brings together 17 different fantastic Canadian women in the personal finance space.

The Summit is fully virtual and accessed over 3 days from May 11 – 13, 2022. Each day, links to the day’s talks will be sent to your inbox, and will be available for you to view for 48 hours.

Speakers will bring topics as wide ranging as Finances for Entrepreneurs, How to Make a Budget That Works, Drawing Down an RESP, and How to Finance a Sabbatical Year! The best thing? The Women Can Money Summit is TOTALLY FREE!

The personal finance space online is overwhelmingly US-centric, and Male. This conference brings Canadian women a perspective they can relate to from women who have been in their shoes!

I was so honoured to be asked to be a speaker along side these amazing women! I can’t wait to see all the talks!


Women Can Money Summit Speakers

You can get your FREE ticket and check all the session topics on the Summit website. Here is your brief introduction to the amazing speakers of the Women Can Money Conference 2022.

Your Host and the brains behind the whole operation! Maria – From the blog A Handful of Thoughts

Speakers & Topics:

Maria – A Handful of Thoughts Speaking about “How to be Mortgage Free Faster”

Jessica – Canadian Budget – Yep! That’s me! Yours truly will be speaking on “How to Make a Budget That Actually Works”

Liz – Ambitious Adulting – Speaking about “Money Moves for Moms”

Eduek – Two Sides of A Dime – Speaking about “Giving a Dime About Your Money (4 Steps To Take Control of Your Finances)”

Mel – Modest Millionaires – Speaking about “Planning for a Sabbatical or Career Break”

Sandy – The Money Master – Speaking about “What They Don’t Teach You About Wealth and Investing” 

Kari – Money In your Tea – Speaking about “RESPs – How to Invest and Draw Down”

Alyssa – Mixed Up Money – Speaking about “Communicating About Money with Your Partner”

Court – Modern Fimily – Gives you “Practical Tips for Saving Money as a Family”

Farrah – Budget Bitch Podcast – Speaking about “Mastering Your Money Mindset”

Erin – Wilful Wills – Speaking about “Why You Need a Will in 2022”

Emily – Mommyinvestor –  Speaks on how to “Conquer the Stock Market: The Power of DIY Investing”

Ellyce – Queerd Podcast – Speaking about “Intersectionality, Identity, and Your Money”

Jolie – Well Bean Coaching – Talks about “Business & Personal Finances – Why and How to Get Organized”

Melissa –  Our Life Financial – Speaking on how to “Earn $ While You Sleep – Dividend Investing 101”

Romana – House Poor No More – Talks about “9 Tips for Creating a Strategic Approach to Home Ownership”

Chrissy –  Eat Sleep Breath FI  – Speaking on “Investing For Your Kids Outside of an RESP” (*only available to VIP All Access Pass holders)

What does it cost?

The Women Can Money is 100% free for anyone to attend – you get access to 16 of the speaker’s talks above (except the last one which is included only in the VIP Ticket). Each day of the conference you will receive an email with the links for that day’s talks which will be available for viewing for 48 hrs.

What is included in the VIP Ticket?

The VIP Women Can Money ticket not only gives you lifetime access to the videos, but also provides detailed notes and transcripts of the talks, podcast versions of each of the talks, and a ton of premium content just for you!

With a VIP ticket you are going to get over $1,100 worth of valuable content including:

  • An Investing Workshop provided by Liz from Ambitious Adulting
  • An Audio Masterclass from Chrissy at Eat Sleep Breathe FI on How to Invest for your Kids outside of an RESP
  • Digital Net Worth Tracker Download From ME!
  • A mini course on How to Manage Your Money by Ellyce Fulmore
  • A Money Savvy Toolkit packed full of great items from Maria at Handful of Thoughts
  • and an E Book from Romana King – 9 Steps to Strategic Homeownership & Wealth Accumulation

The VIP ticket is only $50 if you purchase before the conference begins, afterward the price will increase.

I hope to see you at the conference! It will be a great learning experience to hear from these great presenters about money topics relevant to Canadian women, in an easily accessible format.

Don’t forget, to get your FREE TICKET HERE and share this post with any Canadian Women in your life who could benefit from this free conference!

See you there!

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