3 Ways to Manage Money as a Couple

3 ways to manage money as a couple

Manage money as a couple. As a couple gets more serious, they need to decide how they will manage their money as a couple. Key triggers for this step are normally moving in together or getting married. There are three general styles on how couples can manage their money as a pair. No matter what […]

Credit scores in Canada – What you need to know

what you need to know about credit scores

How much do you know about what makes up credit scores in Canada? Here at Canadian Budget, we believe in responsible credit use. Credit cards are not inherently bad! We need to learn how to use them responsibly; they can provide many benefits. They can give cash sign-up bonuses and cashback on purchases, or earn […]

2021 Year In Review

Year in Review

Looking back at the past year, in review, there have been many challenges of course. COVID continued, work was a never ending challenge to keep up with constant changes in plans, and personally, we lost my father in law unexpectedly. Top 10 wins of 2021 I want to focus on my wins of the past […]

Baby is born… Now what?

baby is born

Baby is born… now what? On top of the oodles of love, dozens of appointments, bazillions of pictures, stress and sleepless nights, what are the things you need to do now in terms of paper work, registrations, and RESP’s once baby is born? In Ontario, Service Ontario has a bundle arrangement where you can get […]

Planning for Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave

So you are expecting a baby, and now need to plan for maternity leave. Deciding how long you will be off work may depend on what coverage (if any) you may have for income while on maternity leave. How long of a maternity leave to take I live in Canada where we are entitled to […]

Learnings from an unexpected loss in the family

loss in the family

Unexpected Loss in the family Last year we tragically and unexpectedly lost a close family member, my father in law. As tough as it is for anyone to deal with a loss in the family, there are so many tasks that need to be done, logistically speaking, after someone passes away. Someone needs to make […]

Why Debt Avalanche is Underrated

Debt Avalanche

Why Debt Avalanche is Underrated Paying down debt is a really important step in everyone’s financial journey, and you may not know it, but Debt Avalanche is underrated for accelerating your debt payoff. When it comes to well known debt repayment strategies, Debt Snowball gets the most press. But have you heard of the Debt […]

Budgeting for Beginners

budgeting for beginners

Budgeting For Beginners Today I want to start with the basics of budgeting for beginners. Before we dive in, a big CONGRATS to you for starting to take steps toward improving your financial literacy and skills! Its not easy to try something new and step outside of your comfort zone, but this is where growth […]

4 simple ways to get a financial head start

Financial head start

4 ways to get a financial head start on the year! We all have resolutions and goals for the new year! Some are around fitness and health, but others can be about being smarter with your money! If managing your finances is one of your goals this year, here are some steps to give you […]

Selling on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace Canada

Selling on Facebook Marketplace In organizing the house for our upcoming move, hubby and I realized we had a lot of books we feel comfortable selling or donating. So I decided to get rid of them by selling on Facebook Marketplace and a few days later I made a sale! When I first moved in […]

Good Reads: Work Optional

work optional

Work Optional Book Review Have you ever dreamed of a work optional life? I love reading books on personal finance. I have read quite a few and always take out multiple books from the local library any time I go. The Work Optional book stood out for me among the books I have read, so […]

Good Reads: Millionaire Teacher Review

millionaire teacher review

Millionaire Teacher Review Just finished this great book that I had seen and heard a lot about, and I’m glad I did. I saw another Millionaire Teacher review and was intrigued to pick up the book. Becoming a millionaire on a teacher’s salary is just what author Andrew Hallam did. Reading just the title I […]

Learning about Money

Learning about money

Learning about money What is the earliest memory you have when it comes to learning about money? A lot of us don’t get a lot of exposure to education around money and personal finance until we are already adults and our money habits and associations have already been formed.  Most Canadians learned their money habits […]

September Diet: How Diet and Savings are tied

Diet and savings

As a serious coffee drinker, I didn’t think I could undertake this challenge. My husband and I decided to do a 30 day diet plan to try and shed the quarantine 15! Part of it includes cooking/prepping all meals and snacks from real whole foods, and NO CAFFEINE! First 2 days there were caffeine withdrawal […]

My Experience using a Roboadvisor

robo advisor

What is a Roboadvisor? A Robo advisor is an investing service which relies on algorithms to build a portfolio for you based on your risk tolerance and investment time horizon. There are no individual humans picking the funds for you, so there is lower cost, and its very easy to use for beginner investors. The […]

How do you Spend and Track your money?

Spending and tracking

How do you spend and track your money? Are you someone whose wallet or pocket always has Cash in it? Or are you strictly plastic – whether that be debit or credit cards – for purchases? I am the latter, for two reasons: first because I find it easier to track since you don’t have […]